The Anchor Section is all about having fun! Our usual evening programme consists of a mixture of games, craft and stories. Boys earn badges for participation in the activities offered and these are usually presented every September. Every week we have a short focus time when we listen to a story from the Bible and talk about what we can learn from it. Other activities that we regularly enjoy include: cooking, movie nights, treasure hunts, team games and visits to the common during the summer term.
The energy and enthusiasm of the 20 youngsters currently registered with Anchor Boys knows no bounds! Half termly themes have included ‘Bible superheroes’, ‘Animals of the bible’ and ‘When I grow up I want to be…’. A recent highlight was the ‘Anchor Café’ when the boys baked and served up wonderful treats for their families at the same time raising money for Whitechapel Mission. They also had great fun on a Dinosaur Hunt using Dinosaur Track Field Guides to help identify dinosaur footprints that had been left behind by dinosaurs roaming our church building. It’s amazing what happens on a Tuesday night!
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