At a time in their lives where things are changing quickly, the Company Section of the Boys' Brigade offers a safe place for young men to develop, with constructive activities planned and organised, and an emphasis on developing their own skills and talents, especially in the area of leadership. The Seniors meet at the same time as the Company Section, but they are separated for most of the evening, engaging in different activities (they also have the option to stay till 10pm).
Over the summer months this group have enjoyed outdoor activities like canoeing, laserquest and a barbecue. Indoor activities have included a course on coding and ciphering, including some practical electronics work. The boys have also undertaken sessions on First Aid, model making and cookery. At the summer camp in North Norfolk they enjoy karting, high ropes and archery at Hilltop Outdoor Centre, games and swimming on the beach and a day trip to Norwich.
The younger boys have engaged with issues on social justice, including Fairtrade and social exclusion. For the older lads, John (the minister) has led a Christian Faith course which encourages healthy discussion and great contributions from the boys. The older ‘Seniors’ are treated in a manner which is age appropriate with activities specifically designed for them such as a ‘Murder Mystery’ evening, which took the form of a dinner party in the downstairs hall.
The ‘Company’ meet at the Baptist Church 7.55 – 9.30pm (Term-time Tuesdays). The ‘Seniors’ meet at the same time but can stay till 10pm.
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